Sunday, July 26, 2015

On June 17, 2015, a 21 year old white male named Dylann Roof shot and killed 9 people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. Roof reportedly claimed he wanted to start a "race war". In light of this tragic event, there has been a large controversy over whether or not the South Carolina State House should remove the confederate flag from the premises. Many Americans see the flag as a racist symbol of hatred, while most seem to believe it to be a symbol of southern pride. Although the popular conception of the flag is one of a non-racist meaning, does that mean it’s true? Well when it was first created, yes, it most definitely proclaimed racism. But over time, things change in their meaning. I personally am from the south (Tennessee) and I always looked at the confederate flag as nothing more than a symbol of southern pride. Morally, though, I believe that the flag should be removed from government buildings, as well as does most of America. We need to press on as a nation and put racism behind us as best as we can. Removing the confederate flag is a great start. I love to fall back on the principle of utility, which is: “When choosing a course of action, always pick the one that will maximize happiness and minimize unhappiness for the greatest number of people” (Rosenstand, 2013).


Rosenstand, N. (2013). The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics (7th ed., p. 232). New York, New York: McGraw Hill.

CNN. (2015, July 2). CNN/ORC poll: 57% see Confederate flag as Southern pride [Video file]. Retrieved from

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